Bioprotech Nematode 3000 Sqft
Bioprotech Nematode 3000 Sqft
- Description
No more white worms!
Bioprotec Nematode is the natural solution for controlling root zone pests in lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens, such as white worms (beetles and chafer beetles) and grey worms. It contains two species of nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae for superior effectiveness. Approved for organic farming.
The Bioprotec nematode sprayer is specially designed for use with these microorganisms. Unlike other sprayers, it does not have a filter, allowing for an even distribution of nematodes throughout your property.
- Covers up to 3000 square feet
- Easy-to-apply with hose-end or pump sprayer
Order cut of Dates
- Spring Application is April 30.
- Fall Application September 30